Preview an activity

Before publishing an activity and creating a distribution, it's a good idea to preview the activity. This is your chance to review the activity screen by screen and fix any errors.

  • To preview the activity while still building it, on the activity toolbar, click Preview.

    The preview opens in a new browser tab. Select a device type to simulate a screen size. Device type options include:

    • Phone
    • Tablet
    • Desktop

    For multilingual activities, you can also select the preview language from the language menu.

    Previewing the activity throughout the building process gives you a rough idea of how questions will display across different screen sizes, and lets you test the overall activity flow. However, the activity's appearance may vary on different devices and mobile browsers. Testing on a real device before publishing and distributing the activity is highly recommended.

  • To preview the activity before distributing it, on the Activities page, click Preview beside an activity.

    The activity opens in preview mode in a new browser tab. To test the activity across different devices, use the link from the web browser. The test data generated from preview mode does not count towards activity results.

Proceed through each screen until the end of the activity. As you preview the activity, make a note of any changes you need to make before the activity is ready for distribution.