Distribution Insights (activities)

View statistics about the performance of individual Touchpoint distributions.

To view the Distribution Insights:

  1. In Touchpoint, go to the Activities page.
  2. Click the activity name.

    The activity opens on the Report page.

  3. Click Distribution Insights.

The Distribution Insights page lists all the distributions for the activity. Use the date filters in the top right to view data within a specified time range, across all distributions. The date filters include data collected between the start and end dates, as well as data collected on the start and end dates.

For each distribution, the following information is displayed:

Statistic Description
Views The total number of times the activity was viewed or loaded.

The number of times participants started the activity.

A participant has started the activity if they perform an action in a screen, like clicking or swiping. Merely opening the activity does not count as a start.

Completions The number of times participants reached the end of an activity.
Calls to Action The number of times participants proceeded through a Call To Action screen.
Emails Collected The number of times participants provided a valid email address.
Quota The number of completed responses, expressed as a fraction of the distribution quota.

Click a distribution to drill down on more summary statistics.

Statistic Description
Quota Completion

On the left, the percentage indicates overall quota completion progress. On the right, the progress bar represents the sum of all the quotas set across the activity's distributions. The number on the far right of the progress bar can change if the quota numbers change, or if quotas are added or removed.

Days in Field

The number of days that have elapsed since the first activity view.

Avg Completes/Day

The total number of completed responses divided by the number of days in field.

Total Views
The total number of times the activity was viewed or loaded; this does not necessarily mean that participants engaged with the activity. This graph starts from the first day the activity starts collecting data.
  • Hover over the chart to see information about views per day.
  • Use the controls in the top right corner to look at the chart data closely.

    • Click the plus and minus buttons to zoom in and zoom out, respectively.
    • Click the magnifying glass button to select an area of the graph to zoom in on.
    • Click the hand button to pan to different areas of the chart.
    • Click the home button to reset to the default view.
Start Rate

The number of times participants started the activity. A participant has started the activity if they perform an action in a screen, like clicking or swiping. Merely opening the activity does not count as a start. The larger number expresses start rate as a percentage of total views, while the smaller n number shows the absolute count.

Completion Rate

The number of times participants reached the end of an activity. The larger number expresses completion rate as a percentage of total starts, while the smaller n number shows the absolute count.


The number of times participants proceeded through a redirect in a Call To Action or Email Entry screen. The larger number expresses the Calls to Action rate as a percentage of total starts, while the smaller n number shows the absolute count.

Emails Collected

The number of times participants provided a valid email address.

Device Breakdown
The percentage of participants who viewed the activity on different device types. Options include:
  • Mobile
  • Tablet
  • Desktop
  • Other (which includes devices like wearables and consoles)

To return to the Distribution Insights page, click Distribution Insights.

Note: The numbers are based on the number of times a participant achieved a certain status, not the number of unique participants. For example, if someone views the activity 7 times, the Total Views count will increment by 7 instead of 1.