Create a new activity

Use Touchpoint activities to collect data and engage with participants on different platforms, recruit new members for Community, and as quick polls on member hubs.

  1. Do either of the following:
    • In the top left corner of the Dashboard, click New Activity.
    • On the Activities page, click New Activity.
  2. Type a name for the activity name, and click Next.
    This name is not visible to participants.
    Result: The new activity is created and opens on the Activity Builder. From here, you can get started adding and editing screens.
  3. Click Start from scratch.
  4. Select a theme from the list.
    If you want to choose a theme later, click Skip. You can set the theme from the activity builder by clicking Activity Settings in the activity toolbar, clicking Apply Theme, and selecting a theme from the list.
  5. Optional: If this is a multilingual activity, select the Activity Languages.

    Click inside the language menu and select the check boxes next to the languages you want to include.

    Tip: Click the star beside a language to set it as the default language.

    If you change your mind, you can change your language selections while building the activity. Click Activity Settings in the activity toolbar, click inside the languages menu, and select and clear the check boxes for each language.

  6. Click Next.
    Result: Your new blank activity is created and ready for customization.
  7. To preview the activity while still building it, on the activity toolbar, click Preview.

    The preview opens in a new browser tab. Select a device type to simulate a screen size. Device type options include:

    • Phone
    • Tablet
    • Desktop

    For multilingual activities, you can also select the preview language from the language menu.

    Previewing the activity throughout the building process gives you a rough idea of how questions will display across different screen sizes, and lets you test the overall activity flow. However, the activity's appearance may vary on different devices and mobile browsers. Testing on a real device before publishing and distributing the activity is highly recommended.