Touchpoint multilingual activities
Learn more about the end-to-end process of building, distributing, and reporting on a multilingual activity using Touchpoint.
With Touchpoint, you can build one activity, translate it into multiple languages, and distribute and report on it. All of your data is centralized within the one activity, making analysis easier.
Step 1: Add languages to the activity
When you first create a new activity, you can choose which languages to add. In the language menu, click the star beside a language to set it as the default.

If you change your mind, you can also add or remove languages in the Activity Builder under Activity Settings.

Step 2: Add translations
As you add and edit screens, you can add translations for text-based screen elements. In the preview pane on the left, select a text-based element.
The Translations editor appears on the right side. The default language box displays the original text. Replace the placeholder text in the language boxes below the default language box. It's up to you to ensure that the right text string is added to the right language box, and the content is correctly translated.

Check the Activity Content list for red exclamation point icons next to screens, which can also indicate missing or empty translations.

Preview the translated versions of your activity by clicking Preview.

In the preview, select a language from the menu. Languages with incomplete translations appear in the menu, but cannot be selected.

Step 3: Distribute the activity
Language detection
When you distribute the activity and a participant accesses it, the application compares the participant's preferred languages (which are based on their browser or operator system settings and sorted from most to least preferred) to the activity's available languages. Both lists of languages are evaluated for a match. The first matching language is used for the activity's text-based content. If no match is found, the activity uses the default language. This behavior occurs for all social distributions, and website and mobile distributions where no override language is specified.
Participant language selection
For all distribution methods, you can select Allow Respondents to change activity language when you create the distribution. When this option is selected, participants can choose their preferred language from a menu in the top left corner of the first screen. Their language choices cannot be changed in subsequent screens. The available languages reflect the languages in which the activity was authored.
Participants' language selections apply on a per distribution, per activity basis; they are not saved and persisted across distribution methods for the same activity, or in future Touchpoint activities.

Mobile distributions with banner text
For mobile app banner distributions, you can add translations of the banner text. If you change the default locale for a live activity and try to republish, you'll be prompted to update your banner text.
The Touchpoint mobile app integration first tries to match the banner text to the participant's preferred locale. If no match is found, the banner text in the default language is used. If the preferred locale and default language are not among the available banner text translations, the first banner text translation in the list is used.
Language override parameters on sites
website and
mobile app distributions, you can specify an override
language when you install the integration code snippet. To do this, add a
parameter and value to the code snippet.

The possible
values are as follows:
- English:
- Arabic:
- Chinese:
- Dutch:
- French:
- German:
- Indonesian:
- Italian:
- Japanese:
- Korean:
- Polish:
- Portuguese:
- Russian:
- Spanish:
- Thai:
- Turkish:
- Vietnamese:
If an override language is specified, the application won't try to find a match between the participant's preferred languages and the activity's available languages. Instead, the activity will always try to use the override language you set. If the override language does not match one of the activity's available languages, the activity will use the default language.
Step 4: Report on results
While viewing the Overall Analysis or Response Breakdown for the activity, you can filter results based on language.